A growing number of research papers are being published on microbiome. In the wake of the rising interest in this field of study, experts from academia, research institutions, and the medical industry are in desperate need of a platform for diverse collaboration. In keeping with, and to extend, our extraordinary tradition, this year we are inviting a wider range of scholars and medical professionals to exchange the latest information in microbiome research. By bringing together the thoughts and opinions from academia, industry, and government the conference will seek to further development opportunities and innovative ideas for microbiome research in Taiwan.

About us & What we do

The largest microbiome conference in Taiwan

with over 500 people in attendance

Where academia, industry, and government converge

to promote diverse perspectives and knowledge sharing

World-renowned scholars gather to share insights into frontier microbiome research

Famous scholars from 6 major fields as keynote speakers and over 30 industry and academic heavyweights


Ming-Shiang Wu Superintendent, National Taiwan University Hospital
Distinguished Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
Hsin-Chih Lai General Manager, REVIVE BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
Tzu-Ching Meng Research Fellow, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica
Director, Department of International Affairs, Academia Sinica
Jer-Horng Wu Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

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